Interior Design of an Ancient Theatre
When it comes to theater, the first place that comes to mind is the Ancient Greek. Importance attached to culture and interest of people into theater in the Ancient Greek resulted in theater architecture. The first building blocks of the theater culture that started on the hillsides and wooden benches continued in stone amphitheaters. The it’s elements of interior design consisted of the seats, the stage and an orchestra. And for the Roman Theater, the stage with a magnificent structure became the scenery of theater plays. Upon the joining of the audience location with the stage where the play took place, the parodoses that were the entrance ways on the both sides of the orchestra were removed. And the building was not constructed on a hillside, which was another feature that distinguished the Roman Theater from the theaters in the Greek and Hellenistic eras. During the mediaeval age, a Simultaneous stage setting emerged when a theater play arrangement developed showing different locations in a single play area. This theater play arrangement was used in England for the first time; the locations were moved with wheeled stages called Pageants. The dark thoughts prevailing during the mediaeval age prevented the development of theater.
Theater emerged from the darkness
With radical changed to the theater architecture during the Renaissance, a theater hall culture started to develop. The oldest Renaissance theater building that remained standing up until today is the Teatro Olimpico constructed by the Vicenza Olympic Academy in the 1580’s. The Farnese Theater considered the first example of the modern stage is recognized as one of the theater buildings with a framework stage that survived until today. The Farnese Theater came with many innovations.
Changed location of the audience
During the Renaissance, the audience location was arranged as steps ascending from front to back resulting in the form of an amphitheater. And during the Baroque Period after the Renaissance, it was understood that this arrangement reduced the capability of the audience to see and hear the stage resulting in an attempt to position the audience location more close to the stage by means of arranging the seats one after the other. As a result of these efforts, a few balcony floors were placed on the three walls of the audience location. “Residenztheatre” (Cuvillies Theater) constructed by “Français Cuvillies” inside the Munich Royal Palace in 1755 is an example for this architectural understanding.
How is the situation today?
In the 20th century, avant-garde locations started to become an alternative to classic theater locations. The changing perception of theater with the development of technology in our era has affected the theater culture. Interactive theater plays came with more minimal and intimate stages. As an interior design and construction company in Istanbul, we make our best efforts to ensure that each project we produce is a theater stage that makes those experiencing it feel that they are the stars of the theater play. Please click to take a look at our projects’ modern interior design.